
ripped this off a blog. many thanks to whoever did this!

Saturday, 10 May 2008


  1. sneeze
  2. plan MIXoc
  3. actually pay attention to the silverlight talk going on now.
  4. study chapt 7 on opamp filters (maybe do a nice app on it to consolidate. i need to IT!)
  5. zzzz
  6. caffien-ate myself
  7. prepare for grad speech. i cant pronounce th-s for nuts.
  8. shop/do something to destress
  9. find $$$
  10. drink. surprisingly i havent touched alcohol for slightly more than a month or so
  11. try to make my hair less of a mess now that its slightly curly
  12. find my bed and hug it.
  13. think of something to do with the pink octopus coz its ending up on the floor far too often. and that basically means its taking up too much space on my bed.
  14. find a letterbox to throw a overdue letter in. IDA is so going to kill me
  15. play guitar hero :D

Sunday, 4 May 2008

pics from chalet



more of suhui


Wilson (whom i'll be joining at NUS)



Cabbage captain's ball

from yizhe :)


back from chalet - MS retreat

created a huge scandal about myself. hahaha. and involved 2 innocent guys, namely luppy and joseph. lol damn wrong.

anyway i watched iron man TWICE.
2 days in a row to be exact.

once was with stitch - who made me wait for him for 2 freaking hours. AND made me watch the show at the very first row of the theatre.
second time was in the middle of the night with joseph, shahfiq, desmond and jeremy.

it has a very good plot. story was told very fluently - though the very last ending could have been a little better (kinda corny the way it ended)
but still... it's reallly really good. one of the best plots i have seen so far.

had a good talk last night with jo, cs, luppy and alvin about the next meeting.
think it would be really fun :P hopefully things start going up again

maybe this isn't working out.

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