
ripped this off a blog. many thanks to whoever did this!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008


suhui is feeling a sense of achievement.

DESPITE her short legs, arms AND body

she managed to touch the top rock of the rock climbing wall..

*applause please* :D

okay.. i know i'm supposed to somehow grab it and hang on to it. but my short-ness got in my way. not that i didn't try. and i really should have jumped, but well, when u're two storeys high in the air and kind of height phobic that will never ever be on your mind.

so end up i fell wheeeeeeeeeeeeee


my level 1 course is on saturday :D looking forward.

next tues is chalk day again yay.

if i ever take some pictures i'll let u see my nice butt :D

lol and i'm in aerobics too. so wrong la. and so not me. haha

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