
ripped this off a blog. many thanks to whoever did this!

Friday, 2 January 2009


out of sheer boredom,

suhui googled her name.

lots of hits - after all su hui is a common name.

and of course, there were hits of the twins, in which one of them share the same name as i do, except with a hyphen between su and hui. they seem to be pretty prominent in the CO circle. good for them anyway.

back to the actual topic- got correct hits off IDA, MSP and of course, facebook. none from NYP ( at least up to the page where i stopped and opened blogger instead). hmm.

anyway that was a totally random act with no aim or consequence. lols.

currently too lazy to do up the US pictures properly. especially after the mini disagreement with my parents.
hello! its 2000 freaking pictures! of course my filtering was insane! i mean who the hell wants to sit down and spend 30 mins to look at a photo slideshow! like seriously la, i did a ppt slide for the annual family gathering within 2 days, and i had 151 slides already. and some of the slides had more than one photo. fine, i understand that pple might not see the full picture coz there's only a couple photos of each place. but i mean there has to be a certain limit right?? if i really wanted to put everything i'd probably have 500 over pictures and 500 x 3 sec/pic would equate to 1500 sec and that would be 25 mins ALREADY.

gaah nvm.

spent NYE in MSFT playing poker. haha. and of course the view from there was really nice :)

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