
ripped this off a blog. many thanks to whoever did this!

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

grey areas

perception is the way we look at things, interpret the information around us in our environment. It's directly linked to mindset - if a wife's mindset is that her husband is cheating on her, then whatever information she processes will be perceived as that her husband is cheating on her. It's that simple a concept. but it sure as hell complicates everything - coz it makes everything not black and white, but a sea of grey. the thief will always be a thief in the eyes of the law, but if a thief steals food to feed her own children, does it necessarily mean it's wrong?
things dont usually appear the way it is. one has to be self-concious and not afraid to see the inner truths within. denial - is where most of us are at any point of time. denial that we're in the wrong, denial that we are the ones who set off the chain of reactions that follow. we're all wrong at some point of time, that's for sure. and as a result, we may end up hurting the people we love, and mostly, ourselves. no man is an island afterall. and nothing is as complicated as life.

i think i run away too much.

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