Pain. we all hate pain, be it in any form- cuts, random aches, blue blacks.. the kind of stuff that we endure everyday. then there's the kind of pain, that blocks out your mind and makes everything recede into nothingness, the kind of pain where there's only you and yourself and how much it hurt.
personally i hate that. or at least, i think i do. it's a level that can only be achieved when you're mentally and emotionally hurt, and that's not a good feeling at all. and somehow, people, okay, specifically me, we bring the pain, invite it even, into our lives, knowing how much it will hurt and hoping that it will heal someday somewhen. why? why let yourself get hurt at all? why do we keep hitting ourselves time and time again?
maybe we all need that pain. i dunno, maybe things wont seem real without pain. maybe it's a form of reality check that life manufactures in bulk. maybe we are wired that way.
or maybe because you know it will feel so damn good when you stop hitting yourself with a hammer.
pain. we all have to go through it. ride it out. push through. open the cut that won't heal and air it and let it do it's work. hope it goes away on its own. it hurts. really really hurts. we all know that. and you can't outrun it coz life always makes more. and the thing about pain- the more you think you are in control of it and the messy emotions, the less you are.