exams are one of my favorite periods of the school year
the silence
the emptiness of the school
the extra seats available in the canteen
the unfamilliarity of your pen when you hold it for the first time in... 1 month
the peacefulness, without all the background noise of chatter, ringtones, mp3 players, laptops, game consoles..
and of course, no classes! which equates to more sleep! -hugs nonexistent pillow-
ahhh... what good life.
and of course, you start to realise that handphones and laptops and pocky and blogspot are major distractions.
and as the minutes tick away in the quietness, you suddenly realise that you haven actually accomplished anything. and that, unfortunately, shatters your self-imposed illusion.
zzz. i hate exams.my messy study table.
hung out for a while with yongsheng and baofa at starbucks yesterday. haven talked to them for quite a while, so it was quite a bit of catching up. forgot to take pictures though. oh well. next time then. haha
was trying to convince dad to get the hp tablet for me. :D hopefully he'll get it. then i wont bitch about lousy graphics anymore haha.AND interestingly enough, one of my little leopard cory fishes -points to picture- that i bought on thursday disappeared.
there's only the other one left, plus the angelfish. no sign of the other, not even when i cleaned up the tank. not even a freaking skeleton. :S weird disappearing fish. -wonders where it went- :(
oh well. i should get back to studying. zzz
Note to self: sleeping does NOT help in getting info into your head. :(