To her:
I guess it's really tiring, having to endure all the nonsense everytime, day in day out.. It's like, give me a break and let me do my stuffs in peace! It's really nto a very good feeling, and i suppose you are thinking at the back of your head as well, who are you to them? just some random girl to bully?
I dunno, and i might be wrong, but i think it's just their (really weird) way of bonding. I guess dealing with difficult people everyday (e.g. DG) & "incidents" or whatever funny word the management likes to call difficult situations is really demoralising, and by fooling and joking around.. that's how they cope with the stress from the nonsensical things that happen each day.. and you know what? From what i see, they are making an effort to include you in that bond.. It's obvious that you are so much closer to them than the other 2.. I dont really see them approaching them to talk and disturb.. I think that despite all their mean jokes and annoying comments, they really treasure you to be in their team, else they wouldn't even give a damn about you. I guess they think that you are able to handle all their (not funny) jokes and yet able to do your job properly, and in a funny way, it is a form of respect. Probably they just dont realise that sometimes they do tend to get a bit overboard ( well they are a bunch of guys who haven't really grown up after all). yeah sure they can be real jerks at times, but for your case, you know they will be there to support you if something happens, and that you can definitely count on them. and of course, without them to bully you , working there will be kinda weird huh? :P take it easy babe. things will get better. :)