
ripped this off a blog. many thanks to whoever did this!

Thursday, 30 August 2007

just stuffs

heard someone used roger's name to write fuck you all on weiling's blog.
sheesh. total immaturity and lack of balls. thinks its _______ but well, nobody will know unless it was accidentally blurted out. seriously, what achievement can one get from that act?? argh, spoil mood.

speaking of spoil mood, somebody owes me a moment. which is NOT equals to torque, or force * magnitude, or whatever equivalent of the physics definition of moment. >.<

anyway, joseph and yizhe were alert enough to catch the 19 to 24 = 5 floors blunder by stanley who gave an impromptu presentation to the SCS students on weds. which stanley says is the reason why he is not in finance. wahahahaha.

had to leave early for SSN commissioning though, so i missed a great part of his demo. so i left and i arrived at LTN2 just in time for.....
FOOD! whoops. but must say that ziyou is already well known. lol guess that's one of the things about being P. he spent quite a fair bit of time entertaining the managers. which was quite funny coz xiaoying wanted to introduce yisu to the Course manager and he was busy with zi you.
heard that chai was angry that he wasn't invited. again, big whoops for SSN.

weird thing about them is the apparent lack of ... i don't know what to insert here. but it's like, everyone's doing their own thing, no one seems to know clearly what the other is doing, and what's going on in the overall picture. probably the lecturer is the only one that knows everything, which makes it so secondary school. i mean, hey this is a student club. just let them run the show! no use trying to bao everything right, after all, there are only 2 lecturers and they have their own stuffs to do. that's what a committee is for anyway. kind of weird if A & B are assigned this thing and the rest of them only knows that they are assigned this thing and know NO other details besides that. really, this reminds me of what happened during orientation between us and katherine's committee. we're like doing 2 different things and what i feel that we should be doing is, well, already done by them! ended up with multiple copies of the same thing and lots of long long discussions and spoilt feelings between us and them.then there was the apparent assumption that she's doing all the work by the directors, which is really unfair for my committee. sigh. all the heartaches

wanted to go eskibar with gang, but well, citing financial concerns, we'll be going elsewhere in clarke quay, try to take some photos. haha

and i'll be starting project next week under Mdm Tan. kind of looking forward to it, coz got challenge ma. but then again. it's a frosted glass room with ... arghs. so so spoil mood.

oh for the record, i love joseph's 150dBm group. and james is SUCH an attention seeker.

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